Nissa at the VeniceBook Fair

It was a humid morning as I set up our tables at Blalock Park in Venice, FL with the help of several ROTC students from the local high school. The breeze, which was much needed, picked up as the day moved along. The biggest challenges were keeping our signs standing and chasing down blown away bookmarks.

I got the opportunity to read Nissa’s Too Many Talents for children sitting on mats under the red and white striped tent. Afterward, the children shared some of their talents. Most of the children were enthusiastic about sharing what they were good at which included painting pictures, building Legos, swimming, dancing, and dog walking. One little girl later came to my tent and sang for me. It made my day.

A couple of the high school volunteer face painters joined us on the mats for Storytime. They showed us their talents as they painted colorful flowers and intricate curly designs on the children’s cheeks or arms. I handed out Nissa “tattoos” which were a hit and had kids stop by the tent just to pick up a few more for friends.

One of the most enjoyable things about selling children’s books, other than the kids, of course, is talking to teachers. Several stopped by the table for books and ideas on how to implement Nissa’s adventures and misadventures into their classroom. We shared ideas and business cards in hopes BB Walsh could come to their classroom and read one of Nissa’s story to their students.

P.S. I was also successfully peddling my debut women’s fiction novel WHITE PICKET FENCES (! Check it out!

All in all, it was a beautiful, successful day.


Fundraising with Nissa